Gottsu Ee Kanji – SET II (Company President, Snow Freesia, Sky Hanglinger)

Three new Gottsu Ee Kanji episodes for you!
・Company President: vk | MEGA
・Snow Freesia: vk | MEGA
・Sky Hanglinger: vk | MEGA
+ Bonus episode: The Copper Beeches Murder Case

Not really sure about what “Gottsu SET” means, I’ve already subbed a lot of Gottsu episodes before.
But anyway, here’s the second collection of longer Gottsu Clips I’ve subbed with Kedomas, we already have another set scheduled for a future release, but it’s not coming before at least a couple more full-lenght Gaki episodes.
By the way, if you want to know what’s coming next and see everything before – or you just feel like supporting all of this – consider subscribing to my patreon. Or don’t. I mean, it’s up to you lol

I’m already working on a new Gaki episode, which I hope I can manage to finish and upload within the first half of July, but can’t say anything for sure ATM. Stay tuned, and thanks for everything! Hope you’ll enjoy today’s Gottsu episodes.

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