First Jiji-nuki Game

・Streaming / Download on MEGA: First Jiji-nuki Game
・Streaming on VK: First Jiji-nuki Game

When I’m not spending my time working or harassing wild animals, I’m subbing Gaki. Yeah, I know, it took me a while to post a new episode, but what can I do about it? Harassing wild animals is a full-time job.
Anyway, this episode is an high-requested one, part of a fortunate serie which counts several episode: It’s Jiji-nuki (Old Dude) Game time, baby!
This episode wouldn’t have been possible without Mattee53‘s help, who kindly typesetted and reviewed the whole thing. Thank you so much! ❤
Now, what is jiji-nuki? It's a variant of baba-nuki, a card game in which each player draws an equal amount of cards from a deck composed of several pair of cards, except for one. Once you get a pair in your hand, you can discard it. The last person who ends up with the unpaired card on their hand, loses.
And here's the Gaki part: the loser has to face two challenges in this episode: the classic "make up a fake story" starring the celebs drawn on the jiji card, and the even more classic batsu game.

I haven't added the captions for each character name and batsu list, so here's a list of names and a picture of the translated possible batsu-games, featuring Bunny-chan. Can you guess which one is going to the one they'll get?

Celebrity Cards:
– Tatsuro Yamashita (musician)
– Miyuki Nakajima (singer)
– Oh Sadaharu (baseball player)
– Justin Bieber (singer)
– Dean Fujioka (actor)
– Hidetoshi Nakata (soccer player)
– Haruka Ayase (actress)
– Sayuri Yoshinaga (actress, first “old dude”)
– Akira Ikegami (journalist)
– Yumiko Udo (reporter)
– Kenshi Yonezu (singer)
– Tiger Woods (professional golfer)
– Bae Yong-joon (actor, second “old dude”)
– Yusaku Maezawa (entrepreneur)
– Kin’ya Kitaoji (actor)

Batsu-game list:

And that’s it for today!
We have lots of other Gaki episodes scheduled for future releases, you can take a peek on my patreon page if you feel like supporting this website (and getting early access on content / schedules).
Thanks for watching, hope you’ll enjoy this episode and have a wonderful day ❤


episode #1502, aired 04/20/2019

Una risposta a "First Jiji-nuki Game"

  1. Hi Frank, 1st i wanna thank you for a lot of subbed gaki videos, i really like them.

    bunny-chan looks hot, found out on reddit her name is horio misaki, gravure idol

    "Mi piace"

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