Shoji Murakami’s Ninja Class ft. Girolamo Panzetta

・Streaming / Download on MEGA: Shoji Murakami’s Ninja Class ft. Girolamo Panzetta
・Streaming on vk: Shoji Murakami’s Ninja Class ft. Girolamo Panzetta

The Murakami Shoji’s class series is kind of underrated, both between japanese and western fans of Gaki no Tsukai, and kind of lame / pointless to begin with. I like them because that’s exactly why they’re fun to watch!
This one is different, though. Here, our Gaki no Tsukai members will have to directly face Murakami, telling their own teacher their true feelings about his series. Not only that, they’ll also try a new one with a new teacher, for a change. How will Murakami react? And how will the episode be? And what was the point of all those surveys?
Hope you’ll enjoy this crazy episode! Here are few notes about it:
– Italian words appearing in this episode: ciao = hello, amico = friend, buono = good (tasty), bambina = baby. Also, I’d like to point out that noi italiani non siamo tutti appassionati di moda (almeno a me personalmente non frega niente). Cibo sì, invece.
– Prices of received items: Endo = 700’000 yen (around 6200 USD), Hamada = 150’000 yen (around 1400 USD). Man, that stuff is expensive.
– The two girls are refering to Murakami’s “Doooing”, his signature gag.
– When Tanaka guesses the pizza, Girolamo shouts “Urrà!” (= hooray), they’re tense because it kinda sounds like an ウッラアー~~ or some yakuza-like shout. In realtà, in Italia non diciamo quasi mai “urrà” (perché è stupido), né tantomento facciamo il gesto col dito sulla guancia per dire “buono”. Più che altro sono espressioni e gesti con cui ci rivolgiamo ai bambini piccoli.
– Here’s the amazon link for the book Tanaka gives to Murakami in the end.
– I think an headcover is some kind of… hat for golf clubs? At least that’s what I found out by googling ヘッドカバー. I don’t know anything about golf, by the way. I do know Hamada and Endo loves to play it though.
– 23:04 not really sure, but I think they say “Suica”. If that’s so, the Suica is a prepad e-money card you can use in Japan for moving around and shopping. It’s so useful, it made things easier for me when I was in Japan. DISCLAIMER: this note was not sponsored by Suica (sadly).


With that being said, usual reminder: like my FB page to help it grow / show support (it’s more important then you think!) or donate few dollars on my ko-fi page to support my translations / show appreciation – if you want to.
That’s all for today, new updates will come out soon on my FB page (future uploads list coming soon). Thanks for watching, have a good day!

Infos: episode #1027, aired 2010/10/24

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